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本文共 21569 字,大约阅读时间需要 71 分钟。

一 单表查询的语法

SELECT 字段1,字段2... FROM 表名                  WHERE 条件                  GROUP BY field                  HAVING 筛选                  ORDER BY field                  LIMIT 限制条数

二 关键字的执行优先级(重点)

重点中的重点:关键字的执行优先级fromwheregroup byhavingselectdistinctorder bylimit



三 简单查询

company.employee    员工id      id                  int                 姓名        emp_name            varchar    性别        sex                 enum    年龄        age                 int    入职日期     hire_date           date    岗位        post                varchar    职位描述     post_comment        varchar    薪水        salary              double    办公室       office              int    部门编号     depart_id           int#创建表create table employee(id int not null unique auto_increment,name varchar(20) not null,sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male', #大部分是男的age int(3) unsigned not null default 28,hire_date date not null,post varchar(50),post_comment varchar(100),salary double(15,2),office int, #一个部门一个屋子depart_id int);#查看表结构mysql> desc employee;+--------------+-----------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+| Field        | Type                  | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |+--------------+-----------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+| id           | int(11)               | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment || name         | varchar(20)           | NO   |     | NULL    |                || sex          | enum('male','female') | NO   |     | male    |                || age          | int(3) unsigned       | NO   |     | 28      |                || hire_date    | date                  | NO   |     | NULL    |                || post         | varchar(50)           | YES  |     | NULL    |                || post_comment | varchar(100)          | YES  |     | NULL    |                || salary       | double(15,2)          | YES  |     | NULL    |                || office       | int(11)               | YES  |     | NULL    |                || depart_id    | int(11)               | YES  |     | NULL    |                |+--------------+-----------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+#插入记录#三个部门:教学,销售,运营insert into employee(name,sex,age,hire_date,post,salary,office,depart_id) values('egon','male',18,'20170301','老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使',7300.33,401,1), #以下是教学部('alex','male',78,'20150302','teacher',1000000.31,401,1),('wupeiqi','male',81,'20130305','teacher',8300,401,1),('yuanhao','male',73,'20140701','teacher',3500,401,1),('liwenzhou','male',28,'20121101','teacher',2100,401,1),('jingliyang','female',18,'20110211','teacher',9000,401,1),('jinxin','male',18,'19000301','teacher',30000,401,1),('成龙','male',48,'20101111','teacher',10000,401,1),('歪歪','female',48,'20150311','sale',3000.13,402,2),#以下是销售部门('丫丫','female',38,'20101101','sale',2000.35,402,2),('丁丁','female',18,'20110312','sale',1000.37,402,2),('星星','female',18,'20160513','sale',3000.29,402,2),('格格','female',28,'20170127','sale',4000.33,402,2),('张野','male',28,'20160311','operation',10000.13,403,3), #以下是运营部门('程咬金','male',18,'19970312','operation',20000,403,3),('程咬银','female',18,'20130311','operation',19000,403,3),('程咬铜','male',18,'20150411','operation',18000,403,3),('程咬铁','female',18,'20140512','operation',17000,403,3);#ps:如果在windows系统中,插入中文字符,select的结果为空白,可以将所有字符编码统一设置成gbk
#简单查询    SELECT id,name,sex,age,hire_date,post,post_comment,salary,office,depart_id     FROM employee;    SELECT * FROM employee;    SELECT name,salary FROM employee;#避免重复DISTINCT    SELECT DISTINCT post FROM employee;    #通过四则运算查询    SELECT name, salary*12 FROM employee;    SELECT name, salary*12 AS Annual_salary FROM employee;    SELECT name, salary*12 Annual_salary FROM employee;#定义显示格式   CONCAT() 函数用于连接字符串   SELECT CONCAT('姓名: ',name,'  年薪: ', salary*12)  AS Annual_salary    FROM employee;      CONCAT_WS() 第一个参数为分隔符   SELECT CONCAT_WS(':',name,salary*12)  AS Annual_salary    FROM employee;   结合CASE语句:   SELECT       (           CASE           WHEN NAME = 'egon' THEN               NAME           WHEN NAME = 'alex' THEN               CONCAT(name,'_BIGSB')           ELSE               concat(NAME, 'SB')           END       ) as new_name   FROM       emp;


1 查出所有员工的名字,薪资,格式为    
2 查出所有的岗位(去掉重复)3 查出所有员工名字,以及他们的年薪,年薪的字段名为annual_year
select concat('
') from employee;select distinct depart_id from employee;select name,salary*12 annual_salary from employee;
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1. 比较运算符:> < >= <= <> !=

2. between 80 and 100 值在10到20之间
3. in(80,90,100) 值是10或20或30
4. like 'egon%'
5. 逻辑运算符:在多个条件直接可以使用逻辑运算符 and or not

#1:单条件查询    SELECT name FROM employee        WHERE post='sale';        #2:多条件查询    SELECT name,salary FROM employee        WHERE post='teacher' AND salary>10000;#3:关键字BETWEEN AND    SELECT name,salary FROM employee         WHERE salary BETWEEN 10000 AND 20000;    SELECT name,salary FROM employee         WHERE salary NOT BETWEEN 10000 AND 20000;    #4:关键字IS NULL(判断某个字段是否为NULL不能用等号,需要用IS)    SELECT name,post_comment FROM employee         WHERE post_comment IS NULL;    SELECT name,post_comment FROM employee         WHERE post_comment IS NOT NULL;            SELECT name,post_comment FROM employee         WHERE post_comment=''; 注意''是空字符串,不是null    ps:        执行        update employee set post_comment='' where id=2;        再用上条查看,就会有结果了#5:关键字IN集合查询    SELECT name,salary FROM employee         WHERE salary=3000 OR salary=3500 OR salary=4000 OR salary=9000 ;        SELECT name,salary FROM employee         WHERE salary IN (3000,3500,4000,9000) ;    SELECT name,salary FROM employee         WHERE salary NOT IN (3000,3500,4000,9000) ;#6:关键字LIKE模糊查询    通配符’%’    SELECT * FROM employee             WHERE name LIKE 'eg%';    通配符’_’    SELECT * FROM employee             WHERE name LIKE 'al__';


1. 查看岗位是teacher的员工姓名、年龄2. 查看岗位是teacher且年龄大于30岁的员工姓名、年龄3. 查看岗位是teacher且薪资在9000-1000范围内的员工姓名、年龄、薪资4. 查看岗位描述不为NULL的员工信息5. 查看岗位是teacher且薪资是10000或9000或30000的员工姓名、年龄、薪资6. 查看岗位是teacher且薪资不是10000或9000或30000的员工姓名、年龄、薪资7. 查看岗位是teacher且名字是jin开头的员工姓名、年薪
select name,age from employee where post = 'teacher';select name,age from employee where post='teacher' and age > 30; select name,age,salary from employee where post='teacher' and salary between 9000 and 10000;select * from employee where post_comment is not null;select name,age,salary from employee where post='teacher' and salary in (10000,9000,30000);select name,age,salary from employee where post='teacher' and salary not in (10000,9000,30000);select name,salary*12 from employee where post='teacher' and name like 'jin%';
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五 分组查询:GROUP BY

一 什么是分组?为什么要分组?

#1、首先明确一点:分组发生在where之后,即分组是基于where之后得到的记录而进行的#2、分组指的是:将所有记录按照某个相同字段进行归类,比如针对员工信息表的职位分组,或者按照性别进行分组等#3、为何要分组呢?    取每个部门的最高工资    取每个部门的员工数    取男人数和女人数小窍门:‘每’这个字后面的字段,就是我们分组的依据#4、大前提:    可以按照任意字段分组,但是分组完毕后,比如group by post,只能查看post字段,如果想查看组内信息,需要借助于聚合函数


#查看MySQL 5.7默认的sql_mode如下:mysql> select @@global.sql_mode;ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION#!!!注意ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY的语义就是确定select target list中的所有列的值都是明确语义,简单的说来,在ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY模式下,target list中的值要么是来自于聚集函数的结果,要么是来自于group by list中的表达式的值。#设置sql_mole如下操作(我们可以去掉ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY模式):mysql> set global sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION';#STRICT_TRANS_TABLES 严格sql模式建议开启,在sql语句不符合规范的时候报错,可以规范sql,避免数据错误。
mysql> select @@global.sql_mode;+-------------------+| @@global.sql_mode |+-------------------+|                   |+-------------------+row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from emp group by post; +----+------+--------+-----+------------+----------------------------+--------------+------------+--------+-----------+| id | name | sex    | age | hire_date  | post                       | post_comment | salary     | office | depart_id |+----+------+--------+-----+------------+----------------------------+--------------+------------+--------+-----------+| 14 | 张野 | male   |  28 | 2016-03-11 | operation                  | NULL         |   10000.13 |    403 |         3 ||  9 | 歪歪 | female |  48 | 2015-03-11 | sale                       | NULL         |    3000.13 |    402 |         2 ||  2 | alex | male   |  78 | 2015-03-02 | teacher                    | NULL         | 1000000.31 |    401 |         1 ||  1 | egon | male   |  18 | 2017-03-01 | 老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使 | NULL         |    7300.33 |    401 |         1 |+----+------+--------+-----+------------+----------------------------+--------------+------------+--------+-----------+rows in set (0.00 sec)#由于没有设置ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,于是也可以有结果,默认都是组内的第一条记录,但其实这是没有意义的mysql> set global sql_mode='ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY';Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)mysql> quit #设置成功后,一定要退出,然后重新登录方可生效Byemysql> use db1;Database changedmysql> select * from emp group by post; #报错ERROR 1055 (42000): 'db1.emp.id' isn't in GROUP BYmysql> select post,count(id) from emp group by post; #只能查看分组依据和使用聚合函数+----------------------------+-----------+| post                       | count(id) |+----------------------------+-----------+| operation                  |         5 || sale                       |         5 || teacher                    |         7 || 老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使 |         1 |+----------------------------+-----------+rows in set (0.00 sec)


单独使用GROUP BY关键字分组    SELECT post FROM employee GROUP BY post;    注意:我们按照post字段分组,那么select查询的字段只能是post,想要获取组内的其他相关信息,需要借助函数GROUP BY关键字和GROUP_CONCAT()函数一起使用    SELECT post,GROUP_CONCAT(name) FROM employee GROUP BY post;#按照岗位分组,并查看组内成员名    SELECT post,GROUP_CONCAT(name) as emp_members FROM employee GROUP BY post;GROUP BY与聚合函数一起使用    select post,count(id) as count from employee group by post;#按照岗位分组,并查看每个组有多少人



四 聚合函数

#强调:聚合函数聚合的是组的内容,若是没有分组,则默认一组#如果没有分组是不可以使用聚合函数的,除非把整个表看成一组示例:    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employee;    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employee WHERE depart_id=1;    SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employee;    SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employee;    SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employee;    SELECT SUM(salary) FROM employee;    SELECT SUM(salary) FROM employee WHERE depart_id=3;

五 小练习:

1. 查询岗位名以及岗位包含的所有员工名字2. 查询岗位名以及各岗位内包含的员工个数3. 查询公司内男员工和女员工的个数4. 查询岗位名以及各岗位的平均薪资5. 查询岗位名以及各岗位的最高薪资6. 查询岗位名以及各岗位的最低薪资7. 查询男员工与男员工的平均薪资,女员工与女员工的平均薪资
#题1:分组mysql> select post,group_concat(name) from employee group by post;+-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+| post                                    | group_concat(name)                                      |+-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+| operation                               | 张野,程咬金,程咬银,程咬铜,程咬铁                        || sale                                    | 歪歪,丫丫,丁丁,星星,格格                                || teacher                                 | alex,wupeiqi,yuanhao,liwenzhou,jingliyang,jinxin,成龙   || 老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使              | egon                                                    |+-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+#题目2:mysql> select post,count(id) from employee group by post;+-----------------------------------------+-----------+| post                                    | count(id) |+-----------------------------------------+-----------+| operation                               |         5 || sale                                    |         5 || teacher                                 |         7 || 老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使              |         1 |+-----------------------------------------+-----------+#题目3:mysql> select sex,count(id) from employee group by sex;+--------+-----------+| sex    | count(id) |+--------+-----------+| male   |        10 || female |         8 |+--------+-----------+#题目4:mysql> select post,avg(salary) from employee group by post;+-----------------------------------------+---------------+| post                                    | avg(salary)   |+-----------------------------------------+---------------+| operation                               |  16800.026000 || sale                                    |   2600.294000 || teacher                                 | 151842.901429 || 老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使              |   7300.330000 |+-----------------------------------------+---------------+#题目5mysql> select post,max(salary) from employee group by post;+-----------------------------------------+-------------+| post                                    | max(salary) |+-----------------------------------------+-------------+| operation                               |    20000.00 || sale                                    |     4000.33 || teacher                                 |  1000000.31 || 老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使              |     7300.33 |+-----------------------------------------+-------------+#题目6mysql> select post,min(salary) from employee group by post;+-----------------------------------------+-------------+| post                                    | min(salary) |+-----------------------------------------+-------------+| operation                               |    10000.13 || sale                                    |     1000.37 || teacher                                 |     2100.00 || 老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使              |     7300.33 |+-----------------------------------------+-------------+#题目七mysql> select sex,avg(salary) from employee group by sex;+--------+---------------+| sex    | avg(salary)   |+--------+---------------+| male   | 110920.077000 || female |   7250.183750 |+--------+---------------+
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#!!!执行优先级从高到低:where > group by > having #1. Where 发生在分组group by之前,因而Where中可以有任意字段,但是绝对不能使用聚合函数。#2. Having发生在分组group by之后,因而Having中可以使用分组的字段,无法直接取到其他字段,可以使用聚合函数
mysql> select @@sql_mode;+--------------------+| @@sql_mode         |+--------------------+| ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY |+--------------------+row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from emp where salary > 100000;+----+------+------+-----+------------+---------+--------------+------------+--------+-----------+| id | name | sex  | age | hire_date  | post    | post_comment | salary     | office | depart_id |+----+------+------+-----+------------+---------+--------------+------------+--------+-----------+|  2 | alex | male |  78 | 2015-03-02 | teacher | NULL         | 1000000.31 |    401 |         1 |+----+------+------+-----+------------+---------+--------------+------------+--------+-----------+row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from emp having salary > 100000;ERROR 1463 (42000): Non-grouping field 'salary' is used in HAVING clausemysql> select post,group_concat(name) from emp group by post having salary > 10000;#错误,分组后无法直接取到salary字段ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'salary' in 'having clause'mysql> select post,group_concat(name) from emp group by post having avg(salary) > 10000;+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------+| post | group_concat(name) |+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------+| operation | 程咬铁,程咬铜,程咬银,程咬金,张野 || teacher | 成龙,jinxin,jingliyang,liwenzhou,yuanhao,wupeiqi,alex |+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------+rows in set (0.00 sec)验证
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1. 查询各岗位内包含的员工个数小于2的岗位名、岗位内包含员工名字、个数3. 查询各岗位平均薪资大于10000的岗位名、平均工资4. 查询各岗位平均薪资大于10000且小于20000的岗位名、平均工资
#题1:mysql> select post,group_concat(name),count(id) from employee group by post having count(id) < 2;+-----------------------------------------+--------------------+-----------+| post                                    | group_concat(name) | count(id) |+-----------------------------------------+--------------------+-----------+| 老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使              | egon               |         1 |+-----------------------------------------+--------------------+-----------+#题目2:mysql> select post,avg(salary) from employee group by post having avg(salary) > 10000;+-----------+---------------+| post      | avg(salary)   |+-----------+---------------+| operation |  16800.026000 || teacher   | 151842.901429 |+-----------+---------------+#题目3:mysql> select post,avg(salary) from employee group by post having avg(salary) > 10000 and avg(salary) <20000;+-----------+--------------+| post      | avg(salary)  |+-----------+--------------+| operation | 16800.026000 |+-----------+--------------+
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七 查询排序:ORDER BY

按单列排序    SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY salary;    SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY salary ASC;    SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY salary DESC;按多列排序:先按照age排序,如果年纪相同,则按照薪资排序    SELECT * from employee        ORDER BY age,        salary DESC;


1. 查询所有员工信息,先按照age升序排序,如果age相同则按照hire_date降序排序2. 查询各岗位平均薪资大于10000的岗位名、平均工资,结果按平均薪资升序排列3. 查询各岗位平均薪资大于10000的岗位名、平均工资,结果按平均薪资降序排列
#题目1mysql> select * from employee ORDER BY age asc,hire_date desc;#题目2mysql> select post,avg(salary) from employee group by post having avg(salary) > 10000 order by avg(salary) asc;+-----------+---------------+| post      | avg(salary)   |+-----------+---------------+| operation |  16800.026000 || teacher   | 151842.901429 |+-----------+---------------+#题目3mysql> select post,avg(salary) from employee group by post having avg(salary) > 10000 order by avg(salary) desc;+-----------+---------------+| post      | avg(salary)   |+-----------+---------------+| teacher   | 151842.901429 || operation |  16800.026000 |+-----------+---------------+
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八 限制查询的记录数:LIMIT

示例:    SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY salary DESC         LIMIT 3;                    #默认初始位置为0         SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY salary DESC        LIMIT 0,5; #从第0开始,即先查询出第一条,然后包含这一条在内往后查5条    SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY salary DESC        LIMIT 5,5; #从第5开始,即先查询出第6条,然后包含这一条在内往后查5条


1. 分页显示,每页5条
mysql> select * from  employee limit 0,5;+----+-----------+------+-----+------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------+------------+--------+-----------+| id | name      | sex  | age | hire_date  | post                                    | post_comment | salary     | office | depart_id |+----+-----------+------+-----+------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------+------------+--------+-----------+|  1 | egon      | male |  18 | 2017-03-01 | 老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使              | NULL         |    7300.33 |    401 |         1 ||  2 | alex      | male |  78 | 2015-03-02 | teacher                                 |              | 1000000.31 |    401 |         1 ||  3 | wupeiqi   | male |  81 | 2013-03-05 | teacher                                 | NULL         |    8300.00 |    401 |         1 ||  4 | yuanhao   | male |  73 | 2014-07-01 | teacher                                 | NULL         |    3500.00 |    401 |         1 ||  5 | liwenzhou | male |  28 | 2012-11-01 | teacher                                 | NULL         |    2100.00 |    401 |         1 |+----+-----------+------+-----+------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------+------------+--------+-----------+rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from  employee limit 5,5;+----+------------+--------+-----+------------+---------+--------------+----------+--------+-----------+| id | name       | sex    | age | hire_date  | post    | post_comment | salary   | office | depart_id |+----+------------+--------+-----+------------+---------+--------------+----------+--------+-----------+|  6 | jingliyang | female |  18 | 2011-02-11 | teacher | NULL         |  9000.00 |    401 |         1 ||  7 | jinxin     | male   |  18 | 1900-03-01 | teacher | NULL         | 30000.00 |    401 |         1 ||  8 | 成龙       | male   |  48 | 2010-11-11 | teacher | NULL         | 10000.00 |    401 |         1 ||  9 | 歪歪       | female |  48 | 2015-03-11 | sale    | NULL         |  3000.13 |    402 |         2 || 10 | 丫丫       | female |  38 | 2010-11-01 | sale    | NULL         |  2000.35 |    402 |         2 |+----+------------+--------+-----+------------+---------+--------------+----------+--------+-----------+rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from  employee limit 10,5;+----+-----------+--------+-----+------------+-----------+--------------+----------+--------+-----------+| id | name      | sex    | age | hire_date  | post      | post_comment | salary   | office | depart_id |+----+-----------+--------+-----+------------+-----------+--------------+----------+--------+-----------+| 11 | 丁丁      | female |  18 | 2011-03-12 | sale      | NULL         |  1000.37 |    402 |         2 || 12 | 星星      | female |  18 | 2016-05-13 | sale      | NULL         |  3000.29 |    402 |         2 || 13 | 格格      | female |  28 | 2017-01-27 | sale      | NULL         |  4000.33 |    402 |         2 || 14 | 张野      | male   |  28 | 2016-03-11 | operation | NULL         | 10000.13 |    403 |         3 || 15 | 程咬金    | male   |  18 | 1997-03-12 | operation | NULL         | 20000.00 |    403 |         3 |+----+-----------+--------+-----+------------+-----------+--------------+----------+--------+-----------+rows in set (0.00 sec)
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九 使用正则表达式查询

SELECT * FROM employee WHERE name REGEXP '^ale';SELECT * FROM employee WHERE name REGEXP 'on$';SELECT * FROM employee WHERE name REGEXP 'm{2}';小结:对字符串匹配的方式WHERE name = 'egon';WHERE name LIKE 'yua%';WHERE name REGEXP 'on$';


select * from employee where name regexp '^jin.*[gn]$';
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